Learning Shorts For Your Organization
Share videos, documents, quizzes and polls with your colleagues. Get instant feedback. Reward learning & sharing.
Create Tyut
No More Boring Learning
Keep it simple
Tyuts make it extremely easy for the busy employees to share knowledge. Record a video, share it and done.
Measure the engagement
Spice up the learning by adding quizzes/polls on top of each course and find out the knowledge gaps in your organization
Reward and honor knowledge sharing
Employees don’t prioritize knowledge sharing unless they are rewarded. Find out the knowledge rock stars, who doesn’t just hold it but share it.
Make it social
Keep learning informal and fun by going beyond the conventional view of long courses and formal assessments
How It Works
Create a TYUT
Share it using a short link
Get Insights
Everyone’s covered.
Tyuts is designed to cater to organizations of all shapes and sizes. Share tyut with your colleagues, cross functional teams, guests and more.
  • IT Teams
    I think if you do something and it turns out pretty good, then you should go do something else wonderful, not dwell on it for too long.
  • Sales Reps
    Before incorporating visual aids into speeches, the speaker should understand that if used incorrectly, the visual will not be an aid.
  • Healthcare Professionals
    Train and engage your medical workers on health, safety measures and compliance, improve patient outcomes.
  • Marketing Executives
    Give your marketing teams the freedom to choose when they can engage in their training, watch as your customer acquisition and retention rates rise.
  • Engineering Staff
    Help your engineering teams discover information faster by organizing all the information they need into short courses - using multiple Tyuts.
  • Human Resources
    Create unique learning experience for your employees with custom content on leadership and management
No coding needed, Plug & Play.

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